Wavelets: A Short Introduction

Wavelets are normalized,finite, short-duration, zero mean functions. $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty\psi(t)\,dt=0$$ \(\psi(t)\) is also known as Mother wavelet as it can be dilated and translated to yield Child wavelets. Function to be analyzed is then processed with these Children wavelets to yield wavelet coefficients.An example of a wavelet function is shown below. It is a Daubechies2 wavelet generated using Matlab.

Db2 Wavelet

The Children wavelets are given by \(\psi_{k,s}(t)\) where the mother wavelet is scaled by s and translated by k. $$\psi_{k,s}(t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{s}}\psi(\frac{t-k}{s})$$ The Wavelet Transform Wf of a function f(t) is computed by taking the inner product of function f(t) with the translated and dilated versions of mother wavelet.


For small values of s, \(\psi_{k,s}\) will be of shorter duration and higher frequency. For large value of s, \(\psi_{k,s}\) it will be more spread out in time and will consist of low frequencies. The fact that wavelet functions are bandpass functions ensures that we cannot cover the entire frequency spectrum just with the wavelet functions.To solve this problem, scaling functions \(\phi(t)\) are introduced. They are complement of wavelet functions and correspond to low pass filter in signal processing terms.

Db2 Scaling Function

Below is an example of Daubechies2 wavelet [blue] being scaled by \(a=1/2\).The scale \(a\) is inversely proportional to frequency. Small scale values [ \(0 < a < 1\) ] correspond to high frequencies while large scale values [ \( a > 1 \) ] to low frequencies. The second figure shows the same mother wavelet[blue] being shifted by \(b=20\).

Db2 Wavelet Scaling Demo

Db2 Wavelet Shift Demo

Wavelet Transform, so defined, happens to be computationally unwieldy as translations and dilations can take any value. A better approach is to discretize translation and dilation steps. Mathematically, let \(s=a^{m}\) and \(k=a^{m}n\) where m and n are integers.


Wavelet Properties


Bases and Frames

Discrete Wavelet Transform

MultiResolution Analysis




Daubechies::Ten lectures on Wavelets

Mallat::A Wavelet tour of Signal processing

Ngyuen,Strang::Wavelets and FilterBanks

Kovacevic,Vetterli::Wavelets and SubBand Coding

Goyal,Kovacevic,Vetterli::Fourier and Wavelet Signal Processing