Hilbert Space

Banach Space

Before we define Hilbert space, it is helpful to define normed linear spaces and Banach Spaces.

A vector space \(X\) is called normed linear space if for each element \(x \in X \) there is a number \( \|x\| \) called norm such that following conditions are satisfied

Convergence and Completeness condition: Let \(X\) be a normed linear space

Hilbert Space

A vector space \(H\) is called a Hilbert space if for each pair \((x,y)\) of elements in the space \(H\) there is a unique number called inner product, denoted by \( \lt x,y \gt \) ,subject to following three conditions

Properties of Hilbert Space

Operators on Hilbert Spaces


Bases and Frames


Functional Analysis Wikibook

Hilbert Space Wiki Page


Ole Christensen::An introduction to frames and Riesz bases

Goyal et al::Fourier and Wavelet Signal Processing

Christopher Heil::A Basis Theory primer